Contact Us

Our address:
Sharing for the advancement of civil society
PO Box 3225 Beit Yehoshua 40591
Phone: 09-8301400

Arrival by car:
In waze: sharing – for the promotion of civil society

From Aylon or from road 2 (coastal road): get off at the Poleg interchange to road 553 (towards Omid) leading to the entrance to Beit Yehoshua. After turning left to Beit Yehoshua, drive about 200 meters on Haodem Street (the main street). After the third turn to the right, you can see the shared house on the right – a two-story building with a wooden roof.

To enter the parking lot, turn right (there are signs), and turn right again into the parking bay (next to the Moshav secretariat). To open the gate, press the intercom located on the left side of the parking lot gate. The Shitofim reception office is located on the second floor.

For those coming via Highway 4 (Gaha Highway): turn left at the Dror intersection to Highway 553 and continue driving for about 2.5 km until the entrance to Beit Yehoshua. After turning right to Beit Yehoshua, drive about 200 meters on Haudem Street (the main street). After the third turn to the right You can see the cooperative house on the right – a two-story building covered with wood.

To enter the parking lot, turn right (there are signs), and turn right again into the parking bay. To open the gate, press the intercom located on the left side of the parking lot gate. The Shitofim reception office is located on the second floor.

Arrival by train:
Get off at the Beit Yehoshua station, exit the station towards Beit Yehoshua, go straight on the main road (Sapir Street) until the second turn on the right. You pass a wooden bus stop on the left, followed by a left turn leading to the green gate of Shitofim. You can see the cooperative house on the left – a two-story building covered with wood. To open the gate, press the intercom located on the left side of the gate.
